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Saturday, September 21, 2024


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Teachers and pupils of Wusuta Kpebe D/A Basic School in the North Dayi District of the Volta Region, have charged government to provide them with sitting facilities to improve effective teaching and learning in the school.


Speaking with the media, the teachers and school children narrated that the school which has a population of 200 pupils lacks adequate furniture leaving pupils stranded in the various classrooms.

The teachers further highlighted that their school is the only school in the Wusuta Circuit which is not benefiting under the school feeding programme as some of the pupils find it difficult to come abreast with teaching and learning whenever they are hungry. They said the children complain of coming to school on empty stomachs as most of them walk several miles from other surrounding villages before coming to school. They added that the school is faced with other challenges which include; lack of windows, doors, learning materials, cupboards, teachers bungalow, computers and library making teaching and learning unbearable.

In another related development, the midwife of Wusuta Kpebe CHPS compound, Ivy Tsetse has also called on government to equip the facility with necessary equipments and other amenities such as; beds, expansion of the maternity unit and CWs, road network, water, telemobile network among others to enhance living condition of people in the community.

They therefore petitioned the Akufo Addo led-government, Stakeholders and Philanthropists to come to their aid to ameliorate their predicament.

Source: Anthony Isaac Princewil Egbeako (0542616756)

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