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Sunday, September 22, 2024


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By Kenneth Agyei Kuranchie


First, Global Info Analytics state that the poll was conducted between 22nd – 30th December 2023 with a sample of 5,881 respondents in all the 16 regions and across 82 constituencies.

A study of the Executive Summary shows that at least 17 (seventeen) key questions were administered to the subjects. This means that Global Info Analytics would have been able, in the eight days the work took place, to administer at least seventeen questions to nearly six thousand respondents across the length and breadth of Ghana.

Global Info Analytics state that it used a sample size of 5,881 voters, who were interviewed. These interviewees were ‘randomly’ selected from ‘30 percent of constituencies from each region’.

There are two ways Global Info Analytics could have done this;

  1. Either by calling/approaching people randomly and asking them whether or not they were voters as a prelude; or
  2. The names were derived from the Voters Register and then approached, either by telephone, or individually.

For instance, Global Info Analytics claim that the Electoral Commission’s 2023 voters register was used as sample frame. From this frame, 30 percent of constituencies from each region was randomly selected and allocated the regional quota based on total voters in each of the selected constituencies, out of which the interviewees were also randomly selected.

The next point leading to suggestions on duplicity, has to do with the financing of such an operation.

Using the two putative approach methods outlined above, the approach by telephone or personally at individual level, it is hardly possible for Global Info Analytics to approach 5,881 respondents in all the 16 regions and across 82 constituencies in the time frame allocated.

The reason for this assertion is the number of people interviewed, and the time frame during which the questionnaire was administered, which is eight days, as well as the spread of the area in which the subjects were captured, in 30 percent of all constituencies.

Using simple averages, the claims by Global Info Analytics suggest that they interviewed an average of 72 subjects in each constituency.

If the work was done in eight days, then at least 9 subjects, randomly identified, were interviewed each day, across each constituencies randomly selected, to whom at least sixteen to seventeen questions and follow up questions were administered. The principal question then is how many officials did Global Info Analytics deploy in each constituency?

Another question is; why no follow ups?

What was the type of questionnaire deployed?

Was it personal interviews, administered in person, or by telephone?

How many staff were deployed in each constituency?

What was their level of remuneration?


The Global Info Analytics report is dated 4th January, 2024. It was concluded 30th December, 2023. The practical implication of this, is that 5881 questionnaires comprising at least seventeen questions were analyzed, compiled and entered into statistical software, in a mere four days. This would be a major feat.


The next question has to do with the issue of finance? Who paid for this exercise? Was it Global Info Analytics itself, or a third party? Where did the money come from, and why?


Finally, is the failure of Global Info Analytics to state any detail on why the respondents gave the positions they gave.

For instance, what is the source of information of the respondents? The source of information, would be cardinal in establishing why the person has heard about the 24-hour economy policy, but has not heard of digitilization.

Like all reports cooked by one or two individuals hiding in some room playing with statistical software, the failure to address the WHY questions in the Executive Summary, expose the fraud this report is trying to foist on Ghanaians.


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