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Sunday, September 22, 2024


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Ken Kuranchie
Ken Kuranchiehttps://www.thedailysearchlight.com
Chief Editor of The Daily Searchlight Newspaper.
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The people of Ada have held a press conference to address their concerns regarding the ongoing issues surrounding the Songor Lagoon. Speaking on behalf of the group, Honourable Ebenezer Adjaotor, Secretary, issued a strong warning to the Ada Traditional Council and stakeholders, emphasizing the significance of the Yomo deity to the land and the community’s deep-rooted connection to it.
In his statement, Adjaotor asserted, “Our being here in Ada is surely because of Yomo. Before the local clans came to Ada to inherit the land, Yomo existed in this particular land. Yomo has been here before the formation of the Ada states.” He highlighted that the people of Terkperbiawe, Asla, and Deshva are determined to protect Yomo and the sacred grounds, vowing to fight “until the last drop of blood” to preserve their heritage.
The central issue of the conference was the ongoing dispute over the management of the Songor Lagoon. Adjaotor stressed that the best solution to the problem is the adoption of a master plan, which had been thoroughly discussed, documented, and accepted by the chiefs, elders, youth, and people residing around the lagoon basin. He called for the termination of three leases granted to Electrochem Ghana Limited and urged the Mineral Commission to implement the master plan for the sustainable development of the Songor Lagoon.
SOT: Honourable Ebenezer Adjaotor
Citing PMDC Law 287, which backs the protection of the lagoon, Adjaotor criticized the Ada Traditional Council for what he described as overstepping their authority. “The traditional council should stop crying more than the bereaved,” he said, adding that the council does not own land in Ada and should not act as the mouthpiece of the Songor Lagoon. He made it clear that the Songor Lagoon belongs solely to the Terkperbiawe Clan.
The press conference also touched on recent reports of Electrochem’s activities in the area. Despite recommendations from a parliamentary committee advising the company not to desecrate sacred grounds, Adjaotor and the people of Ada claim that Electrochem has brought machinery to Yumo’s sacred site. “Just as the Ashantis fought to protect and preserve the Golden Stool, we, the people of Ada, are ready and prepared to fight to preserve the very essence of Ada, and that is Yomo.”
The people of Ada are standing firm in their resolve to safeguard their land and heritage, calling for peace, prosperity, and the protection of their sacred sites for future generations.
SOT: Honourable Ebenezer Adjaotor
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