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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Violence Should Be Discouraged In Educational Institutions

Must read

Ken Kuranchie
Ken Kuranchiehttps://www.thedailysearchlight.com
Chief Editor of The Daily Searchlight Newspaper.
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Miss Felicia Nkum, Head of the Pre-school Department at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School, Awoshie-
Anyaa, has sparked controversy by calling for the reintroduction of corporal punishment in basic schools.
Speaking in an exclusive interview with Oyerepa news reporter Bernard K Dadzie during the 10 th
Anniversary Celebration of the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School held at Awoshie-Anyaa in Accra, she
expressed the belief that the presence of canes in classrooms would instill discipline and respect among
"In the absence of canes, teachers are left with verbal reprimands, which are often ineffective. The fear of
physical punishment would prompt children to behave and listen to their teachers," Miss Nkum said.
Miss Nkum cited the increasing indiscipline and disrespect among students as reasons for her proposal.
"Some children are extremely disruptive, and the mere sight of a cane would change their behavior," she
Corporal punishment was abolished in Ghanaian schools in 2017. Miss Nkum argues that verbal
reprimands are insufficient to maintain discipline. She is of the view that the presence of canes would
restore respect for teachers and promote a conducive learning environment.
The Daily Searchlight is firmly opposed to the opinions of the lady above. At the personal level, we
believe that she does not belong to a classroom, but in some profession requiring less mental
engagement with human beings.
At the institutional level, we believe that people who are charged with the handling of children, need to be
educated in psychology and how to achieve the best in human beings through encouragement,
engagement, and dialogue, as against the use of force or coercion.
Human beings are best educated in an atmosphere of engagement, and not coercion. It is unwise to train
a child at the point of a cane.
This is the philosophy that education authorities in Ghana should adopt.
Miss Felicia Nkum has stirred no controversy. She has just demonstrated that she is not a suitable person
to allow near children.
(Editorial of the Daily Searchlight of 11 th October, 2024).

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