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Saturday, September 21, 2024


Must read

Ken Kuranchie
Ken Kuranchiehttps://www.thedailysearchlight.com
Chief Editor of The Daily Searchlight Newspaper.
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The National Chairman of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), Mr. Bernard Owusu, has stated that the TUC would
be uncompromising in advancing the interest of Ghanaian workers.
He has stated that to advance that position, his administration would not kowtow to any governmental stance that is
not in the interest of the Ghanaian worker.
“We will strongly advocate the rights of workers to the current government and any next government. Ghanaians are
looking for a Third Force, and TUC is going to provide it.
The newly-elected Chairman of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) Bernard Owusu was speaking in an interview
with the Daily Searchlight yesterday. He used the interview to assure workers that their concerns and voices will be
He was elected to a four year mandate last week.
He stated that the country is currently experiencing economic uncertainty where workers are under increasing
pressure and gaps between the rich and poor continue to widen.
“The current leadership, they have done their bit but I think it is time we change and move on. The TUC as it stands
today is weak and the reason being that, as TUC, there are a lot of things that are happening that I think should have
been done better. Currently, we go to the negotiation table to beg. I believe that radicalism and social dialogue is the
game. I believe that we can do more and better,” he said after his election on Thursday, August 22.
He added “We are living in a time of economic uncertainty where workers are under increasing pressure and gaps
between the rich and poor continue to widen. Our fight is far from over. As the TUC chairman, I pledge to lead with
integrity, transparency and deep commitment to the principles that have guided our union. I will make sure that the
voices of workers are heard and that their rights are protected.”
He said the contest that brought him to office was an innovation in TUC politics, and he hoped to continue with the
tradition of making the organization more vibrant and responsive to the needs of the worker.
“I pushed for a contest for the first time. I happen to have won well, so it is clear that I have the support of the
masses, and I hope to leverage it to make the organization more vibrant,” Mr. Owusu stated.

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