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Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Adventures of Fast Joe (3) Innocence Lost- The First Night (2)

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Joe shivered as a strange feelings rocked through the whole of his being. A fire has suddenly gone off at the center of his body, radiating hot and feverish through his veins, curling his fingers and toes. The shiver went deeply through him a second time, and behind him, pressed close to his back, the crafty woman knew she had him where she wanted him.


She nudged him forward slowly towards the bed. He had on no shirt, and around his waist he had on a loose fitting sports shorts, probably second hand. Under it, when she had grabbed his manhood, she had felt no other underwear. His manhood had already tented the material of the shorts, standing to rigid attention. She cupped it in her palm again through the cloth, and he shivered again. Her palm could scarcely fit around the girdle of it, and she took in a quick breathe. Wow! She had never met a man with such a big manhood.

As his knobbly knees touched the bed, she slowly turned him round to face her. He was trembling violently, his face turned into his neck. His arms stiff by his side, refusing to lift his head to look into her face. Even at fifteen, her head only came up to his chin, and she folded her arms around him, her night dress open, her two handsome breasts pushed into his bony chest. They stood thus for several minutes, and gradually, his trembling seized, but impossibly, his manhood grew even bigger against her belly.

As the trembling subsided, she started kissing him softly on the nipples. The first one attracted another violent tremor and audible palpitation of his heart, but as she continued slowly, he squirmed but the trembling became less and less, to be replaced with sighing and even more squirming. He giggled, and she pushed him onto the bed, now both giggling.

She fell on top of him, and in the dim lighting, she saw that he was looking at her, the whites clear in his eyes, scared, but fascinated. He looked like someone who wanted to run away, but was also enthralled by the position in which he found himself.

She crawled up on his body, her magnificent breasts causing more shivers throughout his body, put her lips close to his ear, and whispered, “Let me close the door, please? Don’t go anywhere, ok. And don’t be scared. I have something for you.”

Quickly, she got off the bed and disappeared into the other room. Joe heard the door close, and a moment later, she came back into the room, closing that door too after her. Fascinated, he looked through her open nightdress at her body.

Leaning on his elbows, he looked at her face, the eyes under the round forehead, the bushy, eyebrows, the small, pudgy nose and the wide big lips.

She saw that he was studying her, and stood there patiently, allowing him to get his eyes full. His eyes travelled the column of her neck, and went down, to the two big, upstanding breasts standing in the gossamer material of the nightdress. Then the yes slid further down, to her taut stomach, and navel. There his eyes paused, afraid to travel further down, and rose again to her face.

She took a step forward, closer to the bed, and extended her arms, hands open. He sat up, and placed his palms in hers, and she pulled him back on his feet, placing a hand behind his neck and pulling his head down.

“Don’t be afraid, Kwame Joe,” she said tenderly. “Don’t be afraid. Are you afraid?”

He nodded, trying to avert his eyes from her breasts, but still unable to take his eyes off the fascinating view they presented to his shy eyes.

She looked at his averted eyes and knew the problem.

“Have you ever seen a naked woman before,” she asked.

He shook his head no. Well, he sees his mother and sisters naked, all the time. One can hardly live with seven other people in two rooms, and avoid seeing them, once in a while, in compromising situations. But this was the first time he was seeing a woman naked, outside of the family familiarity, and it was fascinating. And what was happening here has nothing to do with family.

Slowly, she raised his hands and placed the palms under her breasts, palms open, hefting them.

“Do you like them?” she whispered in his ears.

“Yes,” he said hoarsely, suddenly aware that his breathe was short, and he had to breath shallowly.

“How about this,” she asked as she drew his head up and found his lips with hers, taking his lower lips in hers and sucking on it.

Joe couldn’t describe the feeling. It was wet at first, then warm, causing trembling in his knees. As he stumbled, she held him strongly, feeling his manhood thrumming against her bellow. She marveled at the sheer size, heat and hardness of the member against her belly.

As the kiss deepened, she took his right hand off her left breast and placed it behind her, at her waist and above her buttocks, and found the other hand and brought it between her legs, towards the center of her body…

The hand jumped away at if it has been stung, and he tried to pull away, fighting against years of instruction from his mother never to touch a woman there, until he was married.

But Ama was strong, even as he moved his wrist away, she kept a firm hold on it, and bided her time.

Slowly she pressed him back to the bed, and they fell on it a second time, he on his back, she on top of him.

To be continued.

(You can follow stories in the Daily Searchlight on www.thedailysearchlight.com or Daily Searchlight on our Facebook home page. Write to us on searchlightnews@yahoo.co.uk).

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