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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Same old story- Who would be foolishly bold to tell the President he is naked?

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The Akufo Addo presidency took off amidst a lot of fanfare. A crushing defeat for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) left all political scientists, social commentators and even dye in the wool politicians grappling for answers.


Soon nuisance taxes were scrapped. Ambitious projects such as One District One Factory (1d1f) kicked in. Graduates were given a lifeline to gainful employment through NABCO. Road construction took off. What Kwame Nkrumah could not do happened: FREE SHS. Over a thousand structures for senior high schools were built. A huge burden, but the short man prodded on. Optimism was high among the populace. Balance of trade payments favored the country. Leading car manufacturers commenced assembling their cars in the market.

In the midst of all these, concerns about size of government and occupants of ministries were swept under the carpet. The coach was adamant that he had the best squad. Commentators and critics were tagged as doom and naysayers. Then darkness unfolded. Prices rose in a manner no economic theory could explain. Things had to change, but how?

In stepped Dede Ayew and his crew. The conductor has been denigrated as lacking in critical thinking and experience for the job. An emotional loss to Portugal seemed to have added more fire. An enthralling 3-2 win against a higher ranked South Korean team captured the love of many. As the hour drew near so did the excitement notch higher.

Then, Boom! A listless, drab, spiritless, unimaginative, boring, lazy, display unfolded. Where was the guile, the fortitude, skills? It was as if a default reset button had been pressed. The coach stuck with players who for several matches had failed to deliver. They were led by a captain who was more concerned about clapping his hands and pointing at things than using his legs. At least 4 of the players ought not to be on the field of play including Rahman who forgot his defensive role and ended up as a 10. Even when news of happenings elsewhere broke the back of the Uruguayan team the Black Stars were lost in space knowing not where they were drifting towards.

There is crisis but presidential encouragement can only be delivered in person so the president flew to Qatar. Times are hard but ministers took photos of themselves cheering the team as spectators. Farmers’ Day came and passed with a whimper because of the wickedness of Ghana people eager to suck the little cash a brother may have, out of him.

In a land of many coaches tongues are blabbering. What is an undisputable fact however is that the Black Stars have failed again because of LEADERSHIP!

The expectation of Ghanaians of Akufo Addo is but many. A sizeable number feel disappointed. Was this another false dawn for Ghana? Another World Cup may come around and who knows.

For Akufo Addo however he has a couple of years more to exit the stage. Who would be foolishly bold to tell the President he is naked? Who would be wise enough to revive the verve in the President? What would his legacy be? So in conclusion compare and contrast Otto Addo and Akufo Addo. Are both of them achievers, losers or also-runs?


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