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ROMAN FATHER WAS SUSPENDED! …After Abortion Claims By Disgruntled Woman …Is He The Same Priest Arrested in the United States for Soliciting A Prostitute?

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A Roman Catholic Priest, by name Rev.Fr. Dominic Nifa Yamoah, the Rector of the St. Mary’s Sanctuary and Rectorate, Buoho, has been suspended from active duty for one year.


This was contained in a letter from Most Rev. Joseph Osei Bonsu, Bishop of Konongo-Mampong, circulated to all the priests, religious and laity of the Konongo-Mampong Diocese and dated 27th June, 2022. It was titled ‘Suspension A Divinis: Rev. Fr. Dominic Nifa Yamoah’.

Most Rev. Joseph Osei Bonsu, Bishop of Konongo-Mampong wrote with a very heavy heart but a grave sense of duty to Holy Mother Church to inform the Church of his decision to impose the canonical sanction of ‘suspension a divinis’ for one year on Rev.Fr. Dominic Nifa Yamoah, the Rector of the St. Mary’s Sanctuary and Rectorate, Buoho, with effect from 27 June, 2022. 

“The decision to impose this sanction, reached in consultation with the College of Consultors on 23rd June, 2022, is in accordance with Canons 1333-1335 and 1339 for behavior that is incompatible with his life as a Catholic priest and that has tarnished the image of the Diocese and of the Catholic Church as a whole.

“Rev.Fr. Dominic Nifa Yamoah has been duty notified of this sanction and its implications, Specifically, he is forbidden to administer any of the sacraments, especially to celebrate Mass, or to concelebrate at Mass, OR TO OFFICIATE AT OTHER LITURGICAL SERVICES.

“Please remember him in your prayers as we try with God’s grace to help him to reform his life or to discern God’s will for him with respect to the future.

“With very best wishes and the assurance of my prayers,” the letter concluded.

Recently a video appeared on social media of a lady who accused a Father Yanoah of the Catholic Church of impregnating her and forcing her to go through an abortion, which has led to medical complications. In that video, the lady claimed that the Reverend Father was even ignoring her calls, claiming constantly that he was in one church program or the other.

Meanwhile, the Daily Searchlight can reveal that in 2016, a Roman Catholic Father with the same name (Rev. Dominic Yamoah) was arrested in the United States for the solicitation of a prostitute.

The news item, published by online portal www.ghanacelebritis.com, went thus;

‘Ghanaian Priest-Rev. Dominic Yamoah Arrested in USA for Solicitation of A Prostitute

07/14/2016 5:21 pm

by Comfort Asante, GC Staff Writer

Rev. Dominic-Yamoah
When it comes to prostitution, the law is a little funny—while prostitution is not a crime in most jurisdictions (sex in exchange of money), solicitation stays as a crime in these jurisdiction.
According to police press release, “investigation into the solicitation of prostitution in Hamburg, resulted in the arrest early this (Saturday) morning, of a man from Page County” and this man is Rev. Dominic Yamoah, 40 years old.
The reports say, Rev. Dominic Yamoah “tried to persuade an undercover source to perform sexual acts in exchange for money.” 
Yamoah, a priest at the Saint Clare Parish, in Clarinda, and St. Joseph Parish in Villisca, was arrested and taken to the Fremont County Law Enforcement Center where he was charged with solicitation.
“His bond was set at $2,000. The Iowa State Patrol assisted in conducting the investigation.”

The million cedi question many would be asking is whether we have two Rev. Dominic Yamoah’s in the Catholic Church, or it is one and the same pastor. More anon…

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