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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Political Interference in Police Work Is Inimical To Peace, So Is Police Interference and Bias

Must read

Ken Kuranchie
Ken Kuranchiehttps://www.thedailysearchlight.com
Chief Editor of The Daily Searchlight Newspaper.
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Chief Superintendent Richard Boahen, the Ahafo Ano South West District Police Commander has stated that the
penchant for intervening for people who violate electoral and other laws by politicians could threaten the peace that
every Ghanaian desire because such people are emboldened to commit more crimes under the guise of political
Chief Supt. Boahen was speaking at the inauguration of the Inter-Party Dialogue Committee (IPDC) at Mankranso.
He said that such interferences were inimical to maintaining peace in the run up to the 2024 elections.
He said allowing the police to discharge their duties as a law enforcement agency was the way to go to as a country
to keep troublemakers away from the electoral processes leading to the election of deserving candidates to lead the
He therefore appealed to politicians and other stakeholders to allow perpetrators of crime to face the full riguours of
the law to serve as deterrence to others for the collective good of the country.
The Daily Searchlight agrees with the Police Commander. It must however be also stated, that the police regularly
hire themselves out or allow themselves to be co-opted by politicians to work in the interest of those politicians
against their opponents. This generally leads to the situation where the rights of some politicians and interest groups
are abused. This situation, also leads to a lack of peace.
To ensure real and lasting peace, we believe that what the police should ensure, is professionalism within their own
ranks. The police should manage to immunize themselves against the habit of constantly looking over their
shoulders to please those in power and powerful interests, so that all Ghanaians can look upon them as disinterested
but professional persons who exist to do the best that they can for all parties.
Ghana needs a professional police service, and that can only come about if the men and women of the service learn
to be in professional and impartial manner.
(Editorial of the Daily Searchlight of 16 th September, 2024).

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