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Okper Chief Accuses NPP Executives of Thuggery

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Nene Odjorpeme Nanekey Terkpertey Ofori Agor IX, the Divisional Chief Of Okper, Okperpiem, in the Eastern region,  has stated that on the 15th November, 2021 at about 3pm, a number of thugs allegedly attacked the youth of Okper, with arms and guns, causing several severe injuries.


Addressing a press conference on Tuesday 16th November, 2021 at the residence of the Divisional Chief, he named those responsible for the attack as Twum Barimah, 2nd Vice Chairman of the NPP, Eastern Region, George Teye Wayo, NPP Youth Organiser of Yilo Krobo Traditional Area, Romeo Tetteh Kofi @ Nene Nuer Anorbah Sasraku II, Self- Styled Paramount Chief of Yilo Krobo Traditional Area, and Bunase Mantse Nene Narh Ogbordjor Agbo III and his Sub-Chiefs.

He named the sub-chiefs as Asafoatse Atipo of Agavenya, Nene Amoatey Akpatsu, self-styled Divisional Chief of Nyewer, Levis Dum Ohwapo, self- styled sub-chief of Akutunya, Setse Kumah Agor, Setse Tetteh of Sra, Solo of Ogome, Manye Akumaa Dum of Akutunya, Daddy Wayoe of Ogome, Kwesivi @Bosholo, Mandela of Atua but resident of Ogome, Kwame Kwao Kumah, Ador Asante, Margeret Okrah of Ogome, Yaw Nick of Ogome, Ajor of Akutunya, Samuel Agor and others to be identified later.

He said that these people were wielding Pump Action Guns, Cutlasses, Machetes, sticks and other offensive weapons attacked the youth of Okper at Okperpiem under the instructions of Twum Barimah, George Teye Wayo and Romeo Tetteh Kofi @ Nene Nuer Anorbah Sasraku and Apana and severely shot and beat any person they came across leading to the injury of three persons. The Victims are on admission at the Atua Government Hospital.

The Chief alleged that Romeo Tetteh Kofi @Nene Nuer Anorbah Sasraku II Twum Barimah and George Teye Wayo and Mr. Apana are those behind the shooting incident and the injury of the three persons.

He stated that the Somanya Police have till date not commenced investigations into this matter.

“It is evidently clear that, the Police cannot investigate this particular incident, because they are complicit in this matter. As we speak, the victims have not been visited at the Hospital by the police to ascertain their various conditions. The condition of one of the victims worsened that very evening and was referred to the Koforidua Regional Hospital for further treatment,” he said.

Nene Odjorpeme Nanekey Terkpertey Ofori Agor IX, stated that Yilo Krobo has been taken over by alleged miscreants who are directing the affairs of the Municipality.

“The Municipal Security Committee led by the MCE are quiet on the incident and have pretended not to be bothered, because they have much interest in the Chieftaincy matters and act in accordance with the whims and caprices of the self-styled Konor Romeo.

“It is equally worrying that, the Politicians are also quiet, because what happened is in their interest. Twum Barimah, Mr. Apana and George Teye Wayo, have waded into these chieftaincy matters in the Yilo Krobo Traditional Area,” he said.

He alleged that Yilo Krobo is at the cross-road, because non-indigenes and blind people have taken over Yilo.

“The attack on Okperpiem is an attack on Yilo and Yilo Krobo Citizens must rise up. The time has come for us to salvage our town from greedy and wicked people like Twum Barimah, Romeo Tetteh Kofi, Mr. Apana and George Teye Wayo

“I call on all Yilo Krobo Citizens to rise up. Twum Barimah is from Aperade and should not be allowed to hold Yilo hostage.

“I call on the Ghana Police Service to arrest all suspects involved in this wicked act, investigate and possibly prosecute them. The followers of Romeo are blind and cannot read in-between the lines. The problems of Yilo are caused by Twum Barimah, Romeo Tetteh Kofi, George Teye Wayo, Mr. Apana and others that I would not mention\ now. I call on all who are not directly involved in Yilo Krobo Chieftaincy matters to stay neutral and impartial for them to play mediation role in resolving this matter.

“The President said we must be Citizens and not Spectators. Citizens have rights, duties and responsibilities. One of our responsibilities is to be obedient and to honour the payment of taxes to develop the nation. A Citizen must always speak the truth without fear or favour. We would continue to speak the truth and we cannot be gagged by any person. Yilo Krobo belongs to us as Krobos and we must guard it jealously.

“The youth have also allowed themselves to be used by this wicked and greedy people like Romeo Tetteh Kofi, Apana, Twum Barimah and George Teye Wayo. Instead of these people creating sustainable opportunities and enabling environment for them to operate, they are rather using them to pursue their parochial and selfish interests. The Youth should tell these people to provide them with permanent jobs. The Youth should not allow themselves to be used to promote the hidden agenda of Romeo Tetteh Kofi.

“I will ensure that, each and every person engaged in this heinous crime on Tuesday would be brought to book. For that, I assure every person affected by the actions of these miscreants. I will fight and defend my motherland Yilo even at the peril of my life to the extent of my last pant of blood. This is just the beginning and we will all see what the future holds for all of us. The future events shall uncover the truth and I wish all to be part of this event,” he concluded.


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