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Monday, October 21, 2024


Must read

Ken Kuranchie
Ken Kuranchiehttps://www.thedailysearchlight.com
Chief Editor of The Daily Searchlight Newspaper.
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There is something interesting I have noticed about the set of men and women who represent the New Patriotic Party
(NPP) in parliament. They all, without exception, seem to suffer from what one would call ‘rubber knees’. They
seem to suffer from an inability to defend even their own, even when their testicles (forgive my French) are being
stepped upon.
Disasters always forewarn us before they come. And Mr. Bagbin, from the moment he was sworn in as President,
demonstrated clearly that he was going to be a disaster.
The strange thing, is that NPP, in and out of parliament, has behaved as if it did not know that it was living with a
Sometime towards the end of July, Mr. Alban Bagbin, who is the Speaker of Parliament, sought to impose his views
on parliament. This happened when President Akufo-Addo nominated some new judges to the Supreme Court.
During proceedings on the Monday after the nomination had been communicated to Parliament, the Speaker
announced that the House had been notified about the nomination of new judges to the Supreme Court.
He added that “In giving you the information, I have given you an idea of the expectations of the people of Ghana.
That is for you to consider as part of the report and the House to decide as to whether we will approve or disapprove
those nominations.”
First, Mr. Bagbin’s employment of the word ‘we’ in that statement was wholly out of order. Second, he is not part of
any so-called decision. Mr. Bagbin is not a member of parliament. He is not part of the decision-making when it
comes to parliamentary voting and decision-making when Parliament is in session. He is merely to communicate the
outcome to the appropriate authority.
Article 104. (1) and (2) of the 1992 Constitution states;
“(1) Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, matters in Parliament shall be determined by the votes of the
majority of members present and voting, with at least half of all the members of Parliament present and voting.
“(2) The Speaker shall have neither an original nor casting vote.”
One members, Dr. Kwaku Afriyie, Member of Parliament for Sefwi Wiawso, for once managed to shake off the
‘rubber knee’ syndrome to take on Mr. Bagbin on this point. When he did, Bagbin actually had the temerity to sack
Dr. Afriyie from the chamber of Parliament.
None of the ‘beauty contestants’ on the NPP side in parliament came to the aid of Dr. Afriyie. Not even one. And
later, even in the sanity and boldness of the board room, the NPP MPs, as a caucus, did not even issue a statement.
They did not find it necessary to challenge this atrocity and attack on their right to speech. They cared about their
beauty too much.
And most interesting and educative, neither did the NPP as a party.
But the NPP Caucus should have resisted the Speaker when he walked Afriyie out of the Chamber. They should
have resisted strongly and vociferously. I have no doubt at all in my mind, that if the same thing had happened on
the side of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Caucus, there would have been an eruption. They are not so
concerned about their beautiful looks. There would have been hell to pay.
And seeing the level of timidity in parliament on the side of the NPP, only emboldened Bagbin further. I stand to be
corrected, but Ghana has not seen such a Speaker as Bagbin before. From day one he has ‘humphed’ and ‘puffed’,
interfered with parliament and generally set himself up as Co-President, even speaking as if he represents
Parliament, when he does not.
The writing was on the wall. It was always coming. He was always biding and waiting for the opportunity when he
could cause the most harm, and that opportunity came last week.
I personally believe that the four Members of Parliament who have crossed carpet in parliament, should no longer be
in parliament. I believe that. I know that. But I do not believe that Alban Bagbin has any right, as Speaker, under any
law, to give the ‘ruling’ he gave last week.
This is because while the 1992 Constitution is quite specific that a Member of Parliament who crosses carpet forfeits
his seat, it does not provide for the means by which this should be done.
Elsewhere in the 1992 Constitution, however, it spells out how a challenge can be mounted against the election of an
MP. I believe that, that same process could be adopted, and not Mr. Bagbin arrogating to himself the power to
declare parliamentary seats as vacant. That would be more in accord with certain judicial principles like hearing the
other side.
I say this because the 1992 Constitution is quite clear as to the powers to be exercised by a Speaker of Ghana’s
Parliament under Article 104 above.
In life, if you refuse to fight the small battles, the big battles will find you out, and consume you.
When the NPP Caucus in parliament refused to fight the small battles, they failed to realize that a day would come
when the big battles would find them.


Bagbin has ruled. The Supreme Court, using unacceptable principles, says that Bagbin should coil back into his
shell. The NDC side says that they will not back down.
The stage is set for fisticuffs in parliament this week. And I have no doubt at all in my mind that the beautiful NPP
MPs would find their seats on the Minority side eventually, with their tails nicely curled between their legs.
(PERISCOPE DEPTH of Monday, October 21 st , 2024. PERISCOPE DEPTH is published every Monday in the
Daily Searchlight).

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