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Saturday, September 21, 2024

My GTP will turn Graduates into Businessmen – Alan Cash

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Ken Kuranchie
Ken Kuranchiehttps://www.thedailysearchlight.com
Chief Editor of The Daily Searchlight Newspaper.
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Alan Kyerematen, presidential candidate of the Movement for Change/Alliance for Revolutionary Change, has unveiled a groundbreaking policy initiative aimed at tackling graduate unemployment in Ghana. As part of his comprehensive economic strategy, Kyerematen pledges to introduce the “Start Your Own Business” (SYB) program, a game-changing initiative designed to reduce unemployment and unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of Ghanaian youth.
Under the SYB initiative, university graduates will receive government grants to start their own businesses. This innovative approach is designed to foster entrepreneurship, create job opportunities, and address one of the most pressing issues facing the nation: high graduate unemployment. Kyerematen’s plan to lead a government of national unity underscores his commitment to inclusive and effective governance, ensuring that the benefits of economic growth are widely shared.
The significance of the SYB policy cannot be overstated. By providing financial support to graduates, the government will empower young Ghanaians to transform their ideas into viable businesses. This move is expected to stimulate the private sector, drive economic growth, and reduce reliance on traditional employment avenues, which have been insufficient to absorb the growing number of graduates entering the job market each year.
Alan Kyerematen’s SYB initiative is poised to unlock the potential of a new generation of entrepreneurs. By equipping young graduates with the resources and support they need, the program aims to cultivate a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem. This, in turn, will lead to the creation of diverse employment opportunities, fostering innovation and competitiveness within the economy.
Furthermore, the SYB program aligns with Alan Kyerematen’s broader vision of an Enterprise Economy, where the private sector plays a central role in driving development. By encouraging self-employment and small business creation, the initiative seeks to reduce unemployment rates significantly while contributing to national development goals.
The ripple effects of a thriving entrepreneurial sector include increased productivity, higher incomes, and improved standards of living. Alan Kyerematen’s Start Your Own Business initiative represents a strategic and transformative approach to addressing graduate unemployment in Ghana. By championing entrepreneurship and providing the necessary financial support, Kyerematen’s plan promises to empower the youth, stimulate economic growth, and pave the way for a prosperous future. This policy is indeed a game-changer, offering a sustainable solution to one of the nation’s most enduring challenges.
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