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Sunday, September 22, 2024

LET US AVOID THIRD WORLD WAR IN 21ST CENTURY- Says Apostle Dr. Kadiemel Agbalenyo.

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Report by I. B. FREEMAN


One question which is on the minds of many is whether the world will end or go back after another world war. Should world war break out, the ruing effects and the devastation economic consequences will take a long time for the economy to stabilize. It is only Almighty God himself who knows the best what the future holds. Therefore, let us all turn to God and pray that world war does not erupt in the 21st century. 

These were contained in an address delivered by Anti-war crusader, Apostle Dr. Kadiemel E. H. Agbalenyo on 14th August, 2022 at the occasion of a seminar entitled ‘21st century: Avoid Third World War’ held at the Girl Guides and Training Centre at Achimota, Accra, organized by the ANTI-WORLD WAR PLATFORM. Speaking under the theme of the seminar Does 21st century Fulfil Prophecy (Mat. 24:7).  Apostle said, for the Global state of affairs to be normal, we must pray that God Almighty grant sense and wisdom to the people and nations of the world so that instead of being submerged in materialistic desires, instead of usurping the rights of one another, the world’s leaders be sensible and strive for peace and harmony. He added that everyone’s goal should be that the world becomes more united and the situation swiftly returns to normal. If such effects are not made, then it will take many years for the situation to return to normal. Apostle further observed that it is necessary for humanity to turn towards God Almighty and fulfils His rights and propagate the message and inform the world that there is only one solution to help the global situation to return normal, and that is to avoid third world war. Apostle Dr Kadiemel Agbalenyo, Founder and Leader of the Seventh Day Congregation of Theocracy emphasized that it seems some aggressive world leaders have not learnt the devastation effects of the First and Second World Wars fought between 1914 – 1918 and 1939 – 1945 which killed over sixty million citizenries and that some religious and political leaders have not considered that God would surely judge the destroyers of the Earth. The Anti-War crusader, Apostle Dr Kadiemel Agbalenyo explaining the murderous effect of the first world war said the war involved all of the major European Powers, Germany, Austria – Hungary and Ottoman Powers, Britain, France and Russia. Eventually more than 20 Nations including Italy and the United States joined Allies. He said the war ended with great human casualties; more than 8.5 million men died in battle and 13 million civilians also lost their lives as a result of the war. Apostle further said that the entire world had its share of the scourge of the first world war and wished that another world war would never take place in the world therefore formed the League of Nations as an organization that would keep peace by encouraging its members to solve problems through negotiations. Unfortunately, another bloody world war broke out in the European continent after only 21 years after the end of the 1st world war. In fact, the League of Nations could not control waring nations and therefore failed to prevent future world wars. To help to prevent wars in the future, all the nations came together to form a new International Agency, the United Nations (UN). Member nations agreed to submit disputes to the UN for a peaceful settlement and also pledged to work together to resolve the problems of disease, hunger and illiteracy. To avoid third world war, the Anti-War crusader, Apostle Dr. Kadiemel Afbalenyo advised that member Nations should send their disputes to the Security Council which has been mandated by the United Nations to resolve world disputes that would emerge among themselves.

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