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Friday, September 20, 2024

I Wish Ga East Municipal the Best-Tulasi

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Hon. Janet Tulasi Mensah, the Outgoing Municipal Chief Executive For Ga East Municipal Assembly has expressed the fervent hope that the Municipality would see more development and truly become the “Enviable Municipality” among its peers in Ghana and beyond.


She has therefore expressed her utmost gratitude to His Excellency President Nana Addo Dankwa AkufoAddo for deeming her fit to serve in his first administration.

“I have really enjoyed working for him, the Government and the New Patriotic Party (NPP). My special appreciation goes to my Member of Parliament (MP) for Dome-Kwabenya Constituency and Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection (MGCSP), Hon. Lawyer Sarah Adwoa Safo for the cordial relationship, massive support and cooperation which enabled us to achieve such a great feat during my administration,” she has stated.

Hon. Janet Tulasi Mensah stated the above in a press statement issued on 21st September, 2021, soon after the announcement of the list of the new MMDCES.

On Sunday, 19th September, 2021, the Minister for Local Government and Rural Development, Hon. Daniel Kweku Botwe, acting on the directives of the President, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa AkufoAddo, announced the Nominees for the positions of Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) to support his administration to carry out his second term of office successfully.

She said that many, including herself, had hoped that she would be given another opportunity to serve as the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), for the Ga East Municipal Assembly (GEMA), Abokobi. However, the President made a different choice all in the hope of further developing the Municipality.

She stated that in April, 2017 when the President nominated her to be part of the MMDCEs to serve in his first term of office, not many had known or heard of her but acting on the faith and confidence repose in her by the President, with the support of all, and by the grace of God, they managed to steer the affairs of the Municipality towards achieving an enviable status.

“Under my tenure of office, a lot was achieved and I am very proud of our collective efforts in this direction. However, the Municipality faces challenges in some areas of the economy, especially the roads sector, which though we achieved remarkable success, we still have more to do.

“Again, I wish to thank the New Patriotic Party (NPP); National, Regional, and the Constituency levels, for the immense support and cooperation I enjoyed from you. To my fellows in the Dome-Kwabenya Constituency; Chairman, Mr. Robert Osei Bonus, and the Executive, Council of Elders, Polling Station Executives and Agents, and the entire membership, high and low, I say thank you for your unflinching support and assistance. My appreciation also goes to our various stakeholders; Traditional Authorities, especially the Ga East Chiefs’ Association, Ga East Council of Churches, Ga East Zongo Chiefs’ Council, Ga East Imams’ Council, Residents’ Associations, Market Queens and Associations, NGOs/CBOs, Ga East Association of SmallScale Industries (ASSI), various youth groups and residents in general. Your advices, encouragements, and support, physically and spiritually, made us thrive. To the Ga East Municipal Assembly; the Presiding Member (PM), Hon. Jesse Nii Noi Anum, Hon. Assembly Members, Municipal Coordinating Directors, past and present, Heads of Departments/Units, Staff, various Governmental Institutions and Agencies in the Municipality, I say “ayekoo” to you all.

“The Assembly has been my home for the past four years and whatever we achieved could not have happened without your passionate support and great cooperation. Finally, I wish to congratulate Madam Elizabeth Kaakie Mann, on your nomination by the President to become the Municipal Chief Executive for the Ga East Municipal Assembly, hopefully, the second woman to ascend to the position in the life of the Assembly.

“I wish you a smooth and successful confirmation and delivery of your mandate. I want to use this medium to plead with the Hon. Assembly Members to accept His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo’s nomination and confirm her without undue delays in the interest of the Nation, Government, the NPP and the Municipality. I take this opportunity to urge all my teaming supporters, in the NPP Dome-Kwabenya Constituency and across the political divide, to throw your support behind the Nominee just as you did for me to ensure the “Enviable Municipality” agenda is continued and achieved. To the Party faithful, let us not allow divisive spirit to creep into our great “Kukrudu” family but let the prevailing situation rather unite and prop us up for rigorous work on the ground to ensure we “break the eight” jinx come 2024 General Elections,” she stated.

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