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Saturday, September 21, 2024


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Report by Edward FRIMPONG
After successfully holding dialogues with constituents in Tano North Municipality in the Ahafo Region, the team from the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP) proceeded to the Ashanti Region to carry out similar engagements with some selected communities in the region.
The dialogues meant to engage communities to create and deepen awareness raising campaigns on Social Protection programmes including human capital development and conscientize the community members on preventable but rampant social issues like Human Trafficking, child abuse, teenage pregnancy and Domestic Violence.
Additionally, the Ministry, through these series of dialogues, seeks to increase the visibility of systems established to augment the coordination in the implementation of social protection such as the Ghana National Household Registry (GNHR), Single Window Citizens Engagement Service (Helpline of Hope/Call Centre) among others.
Hon. Francisca Oteng-Mensah stressed the need of communities to be unified, and active role players in the protection and development of their respective communities.
This, the Deputy Minister believes will be a great contribution to the national development as the Ministry continues implementing socio-economic programmes and interventions to the benefit of every citizen of Ghana.
The dialogues in the Ashanti Region first happened in the Kwabre East Municipality for residents of Mamponteng & Ahwiaa – on Tuesday 10th October, and secondly in the Asante Akim Central Municipality for community members of Patriansa & Nyaboo – on Wednesday 11th  October 2023.
The setting of the community fora involves the participation of members such as MMDAs,  Traditional Authorities, Faith Based Organizations, Women group representatives, Youth Associations, Community Assembly Members, and Representatives from CSO/CBO.
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