27.2 C
Saturday, September 21, 2024


Must read

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The Government’s bid to improve road infrastructure in the country is quite commendable, however for inexplicable reasons, some of the contracts are being executed with reckless abandon, this is to say, without regard to due safety precautions.



One of such projects is the stretch between Atomic junction and Haatso Total filling station, specifically, directly opposite the Haatso branch of the Access Bank on the said stretch.

Fancy this scenario, the stretch has one of the stands of a pylon carrying a 34.5 KVA power situated in the road. What more – The drain on the shoulders passes through the four stands of the pylon, with one standing on the road.


Admittedly, I am no engineer but clearly we need no soothsayer to tell us of the real and apparent danger this spectacle poses to motorist and third parties. My check has it that, such pylons must be located at least fifty feet, that is, 15.24 metres from any human habitat and or structure but here we are, with such a high voltage pylon situated on a road. I am indeed at a complete loss as to what and who informed such action and inaction.

Roads are not built out of the blue but through proper planning via surveying, relocation of utilities, and community engagements among others. The location of the said pylon as pictured is so conspicuous that none of the agencies, institutions, bodies, authorities so affected can plead alibi.

As if that is not enough, pylons have been erected, some as close as 5 feet from existing structures on the Haatso Transition Bohye stretch and one is tempted to ask, “who is in charge?”

The last straw is the location a power substation at Old Ashongman, next to the Ahmaddiya Mission on a parcel of land clearly demarcated as wet land with bills boards erected to that effect by the Ga East Municipal Assembly (GEMA).


We are in a country were nothing seems to work. People paid to ensure compliance sleep on the job and nothing happens. The ultimate affected persons, unfortunately, are not the ones who had slept on their job but the ordinary Ghanaian like me and you.

The latter issue was reported to the Water Resources Commission (WRC). They made a follow up but it seems the “powers that be” have dwarfed their authority.

Those concerned must sit up for my peace is indeed fractured.       

Sincerely yours,





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