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Sunday, September 8, 2024


Must read

Ken Kuranchie
Ken Kuranchiehttps://www.thedailysearchlight.com
Chief Editor of The Daily Searchlight Newspaper.
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Report by Edward FRIMPONG

The minister in charge of the Trinity Congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana in Akuapem Mampong and the Mampong District Minister, Reverend Kwaku Kyeremeh Yeboah, has exhorted artists in the music industry, especially those singing Christian songs, to sing, dress, act, dance, and behave to the glory of God.
This call was made during the celebration of the nineteenth anniversary of the Praise Ministry at the Koforidua Ascension Congregation of the Church. The District Minister delivered a message themed “Jesus Christ, The Alpha and Omega; Declaring His Glory Through Music” (Rev 21:6, Ps 96:3-8).
Emphasizing the theme in tandem with moral maturity, Rev. Kwaku Kyeremeh Yeboah stated that we are all enjoined to do the will of God to gain a relationship as mothers, brothers, or sisters of Jesus Christ. He emphasized that the ministration of music cannot positively impact people if the delivery lacks moral maturity.
Rev. Yeboah stressed that in our desire for large congregations, we should focus on the quality of the congregants rather than mere quantity. He urged the church to focus on morality, even if it means losing some members who might be tempted to leave to continue their immoral lifestyles. He added that the church would positively impact people’s lives if the congregants portray godliness.
The District Minister spoke against the prevalent greed, selfishness, bribery, and corruption in the world. He called on people in authority and managers of companies who profess to be Christians not to be equally yoked with unbelievers who demand and accept bribes before helping or employing others.
By morality, Rev. Kwaku Kyeremeh Yeboah asserted that ‘right’ remains ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ remains ‘wrong’ regardless of the circumstances. He urged Christians to always be principled, to speak the truth without compromise, and to do what God likes and commands, rather than what God dislikes or hates.
He clarified that moral maturity is not about being long-standing members of the church (“MBA” ‘Me Baamu Akyɛ’) but about understanding how to begin with God, do His will, and comprehend morality. Christianity, he said, is intertwined with morality and obedience, which have been essential since the creation.
Rev. Yeboah advised Christians to assess themselves to ensure their actions and deeds align with God’s word and are acceptable in His sight. Living a life of maturity requires obeying God’s commandments and the scriptures, loving God exclusively, and avoiding the worship of other things like cars, buildings, clothes, work, and spouses.
Christians, he urged, should search the scriptures to know God’s will, be totally obedient, love God wholeheartedly, and love one another as themselves. He spoke strongly against the prevalence of sexual immorality, even within churches and schools, where teachers prey on girls under their care.
Christians should be entirely different, as children of God, and should not conform to this world by exposing their nudes through their dressing. In conclusion, Rev. Kwaku Kyeremeh Yeboah charged the Praise Ministry to declare the glory and beauty of God through music. He emphasized that declaring God’s nature, love, faith, and mercy through music would console, give hope, inspire, and advance people to worship God.
He warned against those who enter the music ministry for the love of money, stating that their songs, dressing, dancing, and attitude are mere forms of entertainment and do not give glory to God. He reminded the church, as representatives of Christ in this world, to preserve moral sanctity. Christians, as the salt of the world, should address immorality wherever it is found, whether in primary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools, universities, or among Christians, to impact positively and preserve morality.
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