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Sunday, September 22, 2024

*Comms Minister Pays Working Visit to Girls-In-ICT Training Centers in ER*

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The Hon. Minister for Communications and Digitalisation (MoCD), Mrs . Ursula Owusu Ekuful (MP) on Friday 27th October 2023 paid a working visit to the Girls-In-ICT training centers in the Eastern Region to interact with the girls and encourage them to build their abilities in digital skills and  STEM education as well as choose careers in the ICT Industry.
The centers visited include:
– Aburi Girls Senior High School (SHS)
– Mampong  Presbyterian Senior High School (SHS)
– -Koforidua Regional Library.
-Koforidua  Ghana Secondary
-e-Transform Project
-Aburi Presbyterian Secondary Technical
– Koforidua SDA SHS
Excited over the impact of the training so far, Mrs. Owusu-Ekuful , said, Ghana has to demystify Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Digital Technology as well as allow women and girls know that their jobs are not only in the Arts.
She said “We have to demystify and introduce more girls to ICT/Digital Technology. We have to let women know that their jobs isn’t only in the Arts, but even with the Arts, they need some form of digital skills to be able to succeed”
According to her, the world is evolving and the country could only develop when critical care was  given to the young girls and platforms created for them to acquire digital skills.
“We seem to behave as if all things technical, mechanical, digital, engineering, science, mathematics, are a male thing so women cannot excel in it”.
She stressed that such thoughts have contributed to the huge gap between men and women in ICT in Ghana.
“Thankfully,  it is changing. About  10 or 11 years ago, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) decided that to make a difference and expose more girls to the wonders of ICT, we have to be deliberate and focused.
The JHS students wowed the sector Minister after they took terms to walk her through some codes, scribes, games among others they had developed.
The Minister who could not hide her joy also told Journalists that plans are underway to ensure that JHS and SHS have ICT centres where the students can access and acquire knowledge.
She also disclosed that measures are also being put in place to ensure that every JHS and SHS student has his or her laptop.
They gave the assurance that they will make good use of what they had learned and also educate their colleagues.
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