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Businessman Survives Assassination Attempt in Accra: A Call for Justice Amidst Fears of High-Profile Interference

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Explore the shocking account of Emmanuel Nii Boi Abbey, a businessman targeted in an acid attack in Kokomlemle, Accra. From the brazen assault to the legal proceedings and community reactions, this story sheds light on the pursuit of justice in Ghana.


On a seemingly ordinary evening in Kokomlemle, Accra, Emmanuel Nii Boi Abbey, a noted businessman and First Executor and Trustee of The Max’s Estates Realty Trust, found himself in the midst of a life-threatening scenario. A man, under the guise of delivering a parcel, launched an attack on Abbey with a syringe filled with lethal acid, after incapacitating him with tear gas. The incident, occurring on January 26, 2024, has sent shockwaves through the local business community, raising alarms over the safety of its members and the integrity of the legal process following the assailants’ apprehension.

The attack was not only brazen but marked with a chilling premeditation. Abbey, refusing the suspicious parcel, was subjected to a tear gas assault, followed by an attempt to inject him with acid. The assailant’s plan was thwarted when Abbey managed to overpower him, leading to the attacker’s escape with an accomplice on a motorbike. This quick departure, however, ended abruptly when a vigilant taxi driver, noticing the chase, collided with the motorbike, forcing the assailants to flee on foot. Despite their initial escape, diligent efforts by the Nima Police Division led to their capture after a four-week-long investigation, highlighting the police force’s commitment to bringing the culprits to justice.

Legal Proceedings and Suspected Interference

The subsequent legal journey has, however, been marred by delays and suspected interference. The anticipation of a straightforward prosecution at the Dansoman Circuit Court was quashed when the suspects were inexplicably returned to police custody shortly after their court appearance, a move that has sparked concerns about potential high-profile meddling. Abbey’s call for non-interference is a stark reminder of the challenges faced in ensuring justice in cases involving influential figures, drawing parallels with the recent murder of Mr. Johnson of Jirapa Hotel and underscoring a worrying trend of targeted attacks on businessmen.

Community Reaction and Calls for Justice

The incident has not only left Abbey shaken but has also rallied the business community and the public at large. There’s a growing demand for transparency and fairness in the legal process, with many echoing Abbey’s plea for an unobstructed path to justice. This case has become a litmus test for the integrity of Ghana’s judicial and law enforcement systems, spotlighting the critical need for vigilance, accountability, and an unwavering commitment to safeguarding citizens against violence and corruption.

As this story unfolds, it serves as a grim reminder of the dangers lurking for those in positions of influence and wealth, urging a collective reflection on the measures in place to protect them. Moreover, it calls into question the resilience of the justice system in the face of potential manipulation, challenging society to stand firm in the pursuit of impartiality and fairness. The outcome of this case may well set a precedent for future incidents, making it a pivotal moment in the fight against crime and corruption in Ghana.

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