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The Daily Searchlight has learned that even though the State has expressed an interest in offering late highlife musician Nana Kwame Ampadu a State Burial, his family are up in arms and are unhappy with the suggestion. So far, nearly ten days after his death, no announcement has been made for the observation of a one week observation of his death.


Sources close to the relatives in the Diaspora said that they have put ice on his funeral.

Nana Ampadu died at the age of 76 nine days ago, that is on Tuesday September 28, 2021.

Nana Kwame Ampadu was a historically important musician. Though never formerly trained, his ability to compose music based on Ghanaian folk lore is culturally and historically significant. He was said to be capable of composing a sung on the spur of the moment according to whim. His recorded songs, over a sixty year career as a recognized musician, runs into the hundreds, and with his death and Ghana’s notorious inability to document significant events, may never be known.

So far, there has also no official communication has been made on the funeral.

In a Facebook post on September 30, President Akufo-Addo, President of Ghana, mourned the passing of the international highlife icon, stating;

“I have learnt, with great sadness, of the death of one of Ghana’s musical icons, the legendary high-life artiste, Nana Ampadu. The outpouring of grief by many Ghanaians, following the news of his death, is an appreciation of the impact his music had on successive generations of Ghanaians. Nana Ampadu believed in my vision for the transformation of Ghana, and assisted me tremendously on the campaign trail in the run-up to my victory in the elections of 2016, for which I remain eternally grateful.

“His was a life well-lived, and he will be sorely missed. My deep condolences to his widow, children and family. Rest in perfect peace, Nana, and may the Almighty keep you in His Bosom until the Last Day of the Resurrection when we shall all meet again. Amen.”

“Nana Ampadu, da yie, Nyame nfa wo kra nsie,” the President added.

Meanwhile the Daily Searchlight reporter Nana Poku Katakyie recalls from his personal memories of the Highlife Generalissimo, Whizkid, and Legend, Nana Kwame Ampadu that he was originally called Paa Steele Kwame Ampadu.

“I knew Nana Ampadu in 1965 when l was just a little boy. He had then released his maiden album; Maye Sumina so Ntonko that shot him into fame instantly. He then followed up with Kofi Broke, Mmobrowa, Nea Owu Aye Me Fie, Yaw Berko, Ebite Tie, Aku Sika, Okwaduo, Nea Mori Ye Yi Mahu, Kwaata, Anibre Nye, Agya Hene Atta, Ankonam Owuo Be Yadee Nti, and later Agatha, Driverfoo Nnue, Sanbra, Aboagyeaa, etc.

“Nama Ampadu introduced a lot new High live versions like Afro beat as in Ankwanoma, Ao Menkoa Dee Naden, Adom Wo Wim, etc. When he emerged on the highlife scene he was so prolific that he dominated the chart for a very long time before another musician One Man Thousand Alex Konadu from Kumasi shot in. Nana Ampadu was so named when he won a high life competition in Accra against other contestants on the Yaa Amponsa beat and lyrics. “He has won many awards both locally and internationally. He’s in the Guinness Books of Records as the most prolific song writer, singer, composer in the West Africa sub region. When Okwahu United football club was in high spirits in soccer competition in 1980s, all Kwahu musicians were tasked to make a song for the club, here again he came tops with his song; Asase Aban Yente Gyae Obouba, beating the legendary J. A. Adofo and Ampim Dankwa. “This is a musician who can make music from any conversation, discussion, events, and situations; even when sleeping.

“In fact, he made songs while on stage performing. Songs like Ebete Yie, Wofa Kwasi Mma, Oman Bo Adwo, Mentumi Nyaa Wo, Mene Woara oh, etc were composed while performing live on stage. Nana in an interview with Ghanaman newspaper said he was so diminutive and smallish so when he wanted a producer to sign him on, he suffered a lot. He played briefly with Ramblers International and K Gyasi before DK Nyarko bought him instruments for the African Brothers Band International in 1964 at age 18. He was also a member of his choir and played with cans and make shift drums in his village in his child hood. His band had people like Joe Dee, Eddie Donkor, Teacher Boateng, Sam Derchie, Kofi Amo, Ancient Awua etc as pioneers.

“He toured West Africa, Africa, Europe and America on several occasions. Nana Ampadu produced musicians like Osei Kofi of African Heroes, Abena Nyante, Akosua Agyapong, Nanaba Amoako, Akosua Amuamu, and some Gospel artistes. He has produced over a THOUSAND songs and has over five hundred songs unproduced in his repertoire. What people don’t know is that, Nana Ampadu has ONLY Middle School Leaving Certificate BUT please, no one can bully him with the Queen’s Language.

“In one of his trips to London, there was a famous guitarist called Jim Hendricks who attended one of his shows and marveled at Nana’s mastery on the strings. After the show, he approached Nana Ampadu to find out who taught him how to strike the strings in such a masterly fashion. This is a preliminary tit bit about the Ghanaian wizardry kid wonder musician. Expect more well-researched details later…….”


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