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Wednesday, October 23, 2024


Must read

Ken Kuranchie
Ken Kuranchiehttps://www.thedailysearchlight.com
Chief Editor of The Daily Searchlight Newspaper.
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The Civil and Local Government Association of Ghana (CLOGSAC) has issued a writ against the Ministry of
Labour and Employment. The writ is seeking to stop the latter from forcefully invading and occupying the newly
constructed office of the Labour Department.
Through World Bank sponsorship, the Labour Department of Ghana has received a multi-storey edifice at
Ministries, Accra. However, indications are that the sector Minister and the Employment Ministry are hell-bent on
moving into the new edifice.
A Writ issued on 19 th September, 2024, issued by Lawyer Ali Gomdah Abdul-Samad of Sana Chambers, Gomdah &
Associates, set out a sixteen-paragraph statement of claim that called on the court to declare the actions of the
Labour and Employment Ministry as unlawful and to restrain the ministry from taking over the new offices of the
Labour Department.
Also joined to the suit is the Attorney-General.
The statement of claim stated that CLOGSAC, the Plaintiff is the welfare association of Civil Servants and Local
Government Service staff of Ghana. The 1st Defendant is the constitutionally mandated body at whose behest suits
for and against the state are initiated.  The 2nd Defendant is the Ministry in charge of labour and employment
in Ghana.
CLOGSAC stated that the staff of the agencies under the Ministries and the staff of the Ministries are all members
of the Plaintiff.
CLOGSAC further stated that the Labour Department is one of the agencies under the Employment Ministry with its
head office in front of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) Office, Ministries, Accra.
CLOGSAC stated that the Government of Ghana secured funding from the World Bank to support jobs and skills
development in Ghana.
CLOGSAC further stated that the Government secured USD200,000,000.00 out of which US$30,000,000.00 was
allocated for the upgrading of the Labour Department.
CLOGSAC, who is the Plaintiff, said that the upgrading of the Labour Department included the construction of a
head office for the Labour Department to implement the Labour Market Information System under the World Bank
The Plaintiff said that the new head office has been specifically designed to implement the World Bank project.
The Plaintiff went on to state that the head office of the Labour Department was demolished and a new edifice put
up for the Labour Department which was specifically built to meet the objectives of the Labour Department.
The Plaintiff stated that the new head office has been completed and ready for use.
The Plaintiff however stated that the Minister in charge of the Ministry of Labour, the 2 nd Defendant, has expressed
interest in taking over the head office of the Labour Department for it to be used as office space for the Ministry.
The Plaintiff stated that the 2nd Defendant has cited the 1st Defendant's use of the Law House as a precedent to take
over the head office of the Labour Department.
“The Plaintiff says that the intended action of the 2nd Defendant will jeopardize the World Bank Project and deprive
the Labour Department and the country of the benefit of the said project.
“The Plaintiff says that unless restrained by this honourable court, the 2nd Defendant will take over the head office
of the Labour Department,” the statement of claim said.
The Plaintiff is therefore seeking declarations that the newly built World Bank sponsored head office of the Labour
Department has been specifically put up for the Labour Department, that the actions/intended actions of the Minister
of Employment to take over the head office of the Labour Department is unlawful and an order of permanent
injunction restraining the 2nd Defendant, from taking over the head office of the Labour Department.
The suit is also asking for costs inclusive of the cost of instituting the suit and any other reliefs the Honourable Court
may deem fit.

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