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Friday, September 20, 2024

OTTING; most Experienced to lead Law School SRCĀ 

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Former University of Ghana SRC President Daniel Otting Awuah has been heavily earmarked to lead the Ghana School of Law ahead of their SRC Election.
The seasoned student leader, with track records from his reign as SRC President at UG, is heavily tipped to ascend the throne when the law students head to the ballot.
The geopolitical space is set to witness another landmark election at the students’ level ahead ofĀ  the impending Student Representative Council (SRC) election at the Ghana School of Law (GSL).
The eagerly anticipated showdown has already produced enough aura across the political space with pollsters tasked with predicting the eventual winner of the 2024 showdown.
With an internal polls from the school previously predicting a 54% landslide win for Daniel Otting Awuah, expectations were confirmer when an independent research unit equally confirmed the pre-election favourite as the man to ascend the throne.
With less than one week to the anticipated showdown , Daniel Otting Awuah recorded another 58% from a recent independent survey to maintain his lead at the summit of the log.
Further analysis saw respondents citing his experience and track records as the reason for their choice ahead of the polls.
The former UG SRC cappo has been described in educational and political circles as an innovative and futuristic leader who has left imprints in his young career thus far.
His combination of experience and character saw him gaining voters from different facets of life.
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