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Friday, September 20, 2024

His Excellency Joins The Mile-High Club

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Norman Goodman Misserial’s


‘ESCAPADES OF KWEKU ATTA, ESQ.,’-An African President


Kwaata gasped as Old Joe was swallowed almost whole. The sensation was immense as the lady worked up a storm of feeling with the Honourable Member.

As he lay there in his robe, up at 30,000 feet, Kwaata thought that finally, he was joining that rare group of human beings who have had sex in the air, the Mile High Club. It was not a common feeling.

He put his strong hand at the back of the lady’s head (come to think of it, he still did not know her name) and guided her on her ministrations to old Joe.

Clearly, she has been here before, and knew what she was doing, so he allowed her to get on with what she knew how to do so perfectly.

Soon, she had him completely disrobed. Her clothes came off soon as well. He watched in the dark room as she twirled about and wriggled out of her pants. She walked slowly back to the bed, stepped up, and slowly straddled Old Joe. Lying there, Kwaata could see her face contort as she took in the uncommonly endowed Honorable Member. Kwaata thought cynically that she was in for a second surprise, because Old Joe had two things going for him to produce a good show. First, over the years, the Old Member has had a lot of experience, and secondly, he had performed less than 24 hours ago, meaning that he has been in good training for this episode.

Kwaata relaxed and allowed her to play to her strengths. Yes, indeed, she knew her job, he thought, even as he called upon his best methods of relaxing and keeping his mind off what was happening.

As an aide to keep the experience longer, Kwaata recalled an incident forty-something odd years ago, when he was in his mid-twenties and a very randy man about town.

He had met an old grizzlier at a function. The man, even though approaching his seventies, had a beautiful young woman on his arm. He also looked trim, fit and happy, and what surprised Kwaata even more was the adoration in the eyes of the young woman.

Kwaata had been desperate to know the secrets of the man, and had attracked him into conversation. Kwaata had cleverly pushed the conversation towards how to maintain one’s youth in old age and also the matter of sex at that age.

In answer to Kwaata’s qustions, the old man had said simply, “Watch the food you eat. Exercise a lot. Never eat a heavy meal after four pm, and preferably, eat the heaviest food first thing in the morning. And eat your fruits and vegetables like your life depends on it,” said the old man.

It was advice that Kwaata accepted to heart. Never a person much interested in alcohol, and always clean-cut in outlook and appearance, he always followed a rigorous exercise regime and his eating habits were famous in his neighbourhood. He ate his fufu first thing in the morning, and survived on snacks for the rest of the day. As a result, he was always trim. And at the last check, he had been told that his heart was as good as that of a man in his thirties. He smiled secretly. This white girl was in for the surprise of her life. He lay back and became even more relaxed as the girl worked her waist on top of the Venerable Old Joe.

There was a digital clock behind on a mantel piece on the left. His Excellency had been secretly monitoring it. So far, she had been working for over six minutes. Her breathing was getting ragged, sloppy. Clearly, even though she looked trim, she was running out of strength. Secretly, he smiled. She thought I was some old man and that she was going to have a field day. Well, today, she has met her meter, he thought.

Summoning his strength, Kwaata suddenly jerked up, threw her on the bed and entered her in one strong move.

She laughed aloud in pleasure and he took over the driving.

Soon, both of them were senseless in pleasure, and it was over.

As they lay breathing, Kwaa said, “You should visit me sometime. I have a nice estate. You can spend a few days relaxing with us.”

She took a moment to reply. She wanted to say yes, but she was thinking with her head, not her waist. Indeed, she was very surprised at how very good he was in bed. However, she had been sent in here to do a job, which was to become his acquaintance for the sake of future business prospects. And here he was, offering her a relationship. She turned and smiled at him, “Certainly, Your Excellency. I will visit anytime you want me to.”

To be con’t.

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