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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Innocence Lost- The First Night (3)

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The Adventures of Fast Joe (4)


She was on top of him. She looked deeply into his eyes, her eyes shining in the dark. She felt heavy, Joe thought, but it was also a good kind of heavy. He could feel her breasts pressing into his chest. Her hands came up and cupped his face, and she whispered softly, “Have you been with a woman before?”

Joe shook his head, no.

She brought her lips close to his ears and whispered again, “Okay. Relax. It is going to be very good.”

He trembled as she leaned up on her arms, bringing her knees up to straddle him. She whispered again, “Don’t be afraid. I will take good care of you.”

He nodded. He felt an urgent need to run away from this room, and this woman, but he also felt an urgent need to stay. He trembled violently, and she felt it.

“Ssshhh! Don’t be afraid! You will like it, okay?”

He nodded again, in spite of his apprehension. What was ‘it’? he had heard a few whispers, and he had heard the older boys boasting about their conquests, but he had only a dim idea of what ‘it’, was.

“Okay, I am going to take off your shorts now,” she said.

He grabbed the pair of knickers strongly to deny her her intentions, but she did not mind. Softly kissing his fists, she slowly worked them lose and started bringing them down. Her eyes bulged when his manhood sprang free.

It was enormous! She had never seen a man as well-endowed before! And she should know. Over eight inches long, deep brown and thickly veined. Now it was her who trembled.

At thirty, Ama has been around the market. When it came to men and their assets, she was as qualified as the best of them. Her virginity was broken at the age of fourteen by a clumsy uncle who trapped her one afternoon after school when nobody was home. She had just gotten home, saw him in the yard sitting in front of their communal house, greeted him and gone to her mother’s to take off her school dress. She had no idea that he had strategically positioned himself there for just such a mission, h was to confess to her later when they became lovers. Seeing her growing up, with her considerable assets developing, he had decided to be her first man, and aware that various young boys in the village gad the same intentions, had left the farm early, claiming a stomach ache, to achieve his purpose.

At fourteen, her figure was just filling out at the hips, but her breasts were quite well developed. Only a year before she had started bleeding, and had been warned by her mother to be careful of the men, young and old alike, family or stranger. Indeed, her teacher had tried to trap her in his room on two occasions after he sent her ahead with his books, but on each occasion she had been too wily, having been told by older girls to be wary of him. Each time he sent her ahead, she abandoned the books on his steps and fled. Indeed, she was laughing secretly at having avoided him the second time when she heard the door squeak. She was turning round to warn whoever was pushing the door open to wait because she was almost naked, when she was grabbed by a pair of very strong hands.

A brief struggle ensued between her and the person, who she later realized was her uncle, and that afternoon, she was deflowered. The first penetration was very painful, but after a few thrusts her budding body was heaving up to meet his firm thrusts, and after the first one, she hung around until he had her a second time.

Thereafter, they became secret lovers, and she found all manner of excuses to go into his room, until her mother caught on and sent her to her grandmother to continue her education in a nearby town.

By then, she was sixteen, with middle school behind her, and nobody could confuse her with a girl.

A succession of men followed quickly. She was on heat, and the sharp, acrid odour she gave off at times attracted some men.

When her husband came onto the scene, half the men in the village had had her. Big breasted, with wide hips and a large, white smile, she was easy going, but no young man was prepared to marry her. Now twenty, her reputation as a slot preceded her in many families with eligible sons. She was lusty. She was good in bed, but her reputation was soiled among her people. She was the village wife, and nobody would have her. Wives often insulted her, her age mates were jealous, and the men leery.

Then Sammy, a police constable, was stationed in the town. One night, she was returning from a completed assignation with one of the men of the town, when he stopped her at eleven pm. She had been forced to flee through a window after her lover’s wife started hammering on his door. Hurriedly, she had gathered her slippers and fled through the window, with her clothes thrown after her, less her pants.

Several yards away, she stopped to dress, and hit he path back home. Less than two hundred yards away, she met Sammy on patrol through the dark streets.

Sammy, seeing how well she looked, decided to take upon himself the gallant task of walking her home. He had no idea that she had just left another man’s bed. She had lied to him that she was returning from the home of a sick grandmother. They struck up a conversation as they walked, and he invited her to visit him at the police station the next day.

Less than a week later, he had her in his bed. She was a delight to the eyes, insatiable in bed, and he thanked his God for bringing her his way. And she thanked God that he did not know her reputation and was not canny enough to inquire.

The romance however, did not escape the attentions of many of the village folk. But as they say, it is only the stranger who would eat the one-eyed chicken, and to Sammy, this was indeed a golden chicken.

When he got her in the family way, he proposed, and she gladly accepted. Her parents, aware of her antics all along, heaved a sigh of relief and married her off quickly. Now, her legs would, hopefully, open for only one man and not the entire male population of the police station and the village.

And so it was to be. She suddenly became faithful and respectable. For almost ten years, they had a blissful time, in spite of two boys, until her husband, now a corporal, was unceremoniously transferred to another town in another region.

He left, promising to come back for her and the children. That was months ago, and now, she was in desperate need of a man.

With all her experience, and the dozens of men she had engaged in her short but active love life, she was yet to see such a well-endowed male member. Her own husband, tall and strapping, could not boast a tool as big and long.

Her eyes almost crossed as she looked at what was before her. In awe, she touched him with soft hands, and was immediately rewarded with a heavy nod of that classic manhood. It was so full and aroused that it almost touched his belly. She knew that he was close to the edge, that he was about to erupt.

She wanted whether to put him in her mouth, but knew from long experience that he cannot hold on for long.

She stood, looking down at him, and he averted his eyes.

Slowly taking off her nightdress, she stood in the half-light gloriously naked. Still his eyes were averted. Climbing onto the bed, she placed each feet carefully on each side of him, took that huge thing in her right hand, and guided it towards her opening.

She was wet, too wet, and it slid in smoothly. She was rewarded with a long trembling role throughout the length and breadth of his rangy body. His hands were folded into tight fists. She was trembling as well as she was filled as she had never been filled before. Slowly, she slid completely down the shaft, reveling in the feeling.

Slowly, she rose, and just as slowly, she came down. And started counting as she felt him tremble inside her.

This was good. Toooo gooood, ohâ€Ĥ four, up, down five, mmmhhhh, up, down, and suddenly he erupted with the force of a jackhammer inside her, coming and coming and coming as if the whole of the local river was streaming into her and through her! It almost pushed her off, but she determinedly slid down it, feeling herself being filled up.

Her body was covered with a sheen of sweat, and she fell on top of him as he continued to come and she held him in wonder as her body responded to the machine inside her. Then she started comingâ€Ĥ

To be con’t.

(You can follow stories in the Daily Searchlight on www.thedailysearchlight.com or Daily Searchlight on our Facebook home page. Write to us on searchlightnews@yahoo.co.uk).

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