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Saturday, September 21, 2024


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Worship of the Almighty God began at creation, though it was finally established on earth when Yahweh convocated with the Hebrew at Mount Sanai (Exodus 3:12). The Almighty God declared the Decalogue, called the Ten Commandments which He had given to the entire world through Moses the Prophet Exo32:15b. He also outlined His Temple Ordinance, Daily Prayer, Exodus 12:18-20; Seventh Day Sabbath (Numbers 28:11-15) Feast of Passover. New Month Sabbath (Numbers 28:11-15) (Exodus 12:18-20; Feast of Weeks; Atonement Day (Leviticus 23: 15-16) and feast of Tabernacle, (Leviticus 23: 31,39-41). This Hebraic Religious Liturgy was authenticated in Numbers 10:10.

The Leader of 7th Day Congregation of Theocracy, Apostle Dr. Kadiemiel E.A Agbalenyoh made this known when he was speaking on the topic, Judaic or Roman Festivals at celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles.

Explaining the three Annual Judaic Festival, Apostle Dr. Kadimel Agbalenyo disclosed that Almighty God and Creator instituted three Annual Religious.

Festivals at Mount Sanai that Israelites were commanded to celebrate and be blessed among the nations, adding that inhabitants on Earth will benefit if they would also join Jews to celebrate these wonderful holy festivals, namely; Feast of Passover; Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:14-16, Deut 16:16).

He stated that the three festivals had formed part of the Temple ordinance when King Solomon built the magnificent Temple of Yahweh, the God of the World. (2 Chro. 2:3 -4, 2 Chro. 8:12-13).

According to Zachariah all nations that have fought Israel, Judah and Jerusalem (Zech1:18-19) shall worship the Almighty God and celebrate the feast of Tabernacles at Jerusalem. It continues that any Nation on earth that will not celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles shall be plagued (Zech14:16-19). It is therefore very important that inhabitants on earth, especially Religious Organizations celebrate the feast of Tabernacles instead of their established festivals that God Almighty denounced (Isaiah 29: 13-14, Matt 15:7-9). It is stipulated in John 7:1- 4, 10-15 and 37:39 that Christ Jesus and His Disciples celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles and promised the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Apostle observed that after the defeat of Jews, the destruction of Jesus and the temple of God by the Roman Army in AD70, and the final scattering of Jews by King Hadrian I, in AD 135 that the Judaic Christian Religious apostacy started. He said the Judaic Christian Leadership was replaced with Greco-Roman Christian Leadership. It was debated that Judaic Christian worship should be separated from the Jewish Religion Practices. He added that in 167 Victor I, the Bishop of the Roman Church at Rome even ex communicated Judaic Christian Congregation for favouring continuity of the Jewish Religious Custom, except the Levitical Sacrificial System, they had rejected because Christ Jesus became the lamb of God. (John1:29; Matt26:26-29)

EMPEROR CONSTANTINE THE GREAT                          

Apostle Dr. K. Agbalenyo revealed that the most faithful Judaic Religious Beliefs and Practices were unfortunately paganised by Emperor Constantine the Great of the Roman Empire, integrated the Greco – Roman Pagan and Roman Christian Religions, He added that between AD 313 and 337, the Judaic Christian Religious Customs was eventually replaced with Greco-Roman Pagan and Roman Christian Religious Customs. In AD 313 Emperor Constantine equalized all religious Beliefs and Practices but rejected Judaic Religious System (Daniel 8:11-12). In AD 32 Emperor Constantine assisted the Roman Christian Church to replace the Judaic Christian Passover with a fixed Pagan Easter Festival. In AD 321, he said Emperor Constantine partially legalized Sunday the first Day of the week. Finally, the 25th December Celebrated in honour of Jupiter became the birth day of Christ Jesus, calling it Christmas from AD 336. Apostle said in AD392 Emperor Theodosius officially declared the Roman Christianity the Roman Empire Religious practice and outlawed all other religions including the Judaic Religion.

Truthfully, the Roman Christendom has not celebrated the Feast of the Almighty God and King. Apostle Dr. Kadiemel Agbalenyo stated that the Seventh Day Adventist Church which stoutly believed the last Prophecy, has unfortunately rejected continuity of the Feasts of the Almighty God of Israel. “However, Mrs. Ellen White, one of the inspired leaders of the Adventist Church confirmed that the Feast commanded by God at Mount Sanai still holds. “We Must therefore understand that at mount Sanai, Yahweh commanded last, Ordinances and Statues unknown to Gentiles.

Apostle said it would surprise Christendom that the 70 African Theological Professors which included five Ghanaian Theological Professors that wrote commentary of Isaiah 66: 22-24 admitted that the Sabbaths and Judaic Religious Festivals will be joyously celebrated by the true people of the Almighty God and creator “The Lord God was referring to the feast of  Passover, The feast of weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles when he said” These are the Feast of the Lord even Holy Convocations which ye shall proclaim in their seasons. (Leviticus 23:4).

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